If the profession you are seeking is not listed in the screen's profession list, it may be that it is regulated by another area of the Department of Health. However, MQA does not regulate every health care profession. Professions Included in Search Screen All health care professions and establishments regulated by the Medical Quality Assurance Division (MQA) are included in this search screen. 3) If the licensee is one of our profiled professions, there will be a tab next to the General Information tab that is titled, "Practitioner Profile." This will take you to practitioner reported information about their education, specialty certification, etc. At this point you can make sure that this is the right person. For example, the name, address of record, profession, license status and etc will be displayed. Once you have located the name, you will be able to click on the link (the underlined license number in the left column of the search results) and go to some basic information regarding the practitioner. If by chance your search is broader and the results produce a list of names, review the list to find the name in question.

2) Depending on your search selection and the results, you may have narrowed it down to the specific practitioner you are trying to locate. You also can select search options to narrow or broaden search results. Some techniques include only providing the county where the practitioner is located or the last name or the first letter of the practitioner's name, or select a profession. The best results occur when the system receives the least amount of information. 1) The key to remember is LESS is definitely more. Older browsers may not be supported Look Up a License Search Screen Tips Knowing the following information will help you get the results you are looking for in an easy and efficient manner. IMPORTANT: Look Up a License Help supports Microsoft Internet Explorer 10+, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and any other modern web browser compatible with HTML5 and CSS3.